Frequently Asked Questions


About Our Grants Program 

1. What does the Colorado Health Foundation fund?

To improve the health of Coloradans, 我们考虑与我们的资助类型一致的资助申请 10 priority areas.

2. Review open funding opportunities.

3. How does the Foundation evaluate grantee work?

All grantees participate in our evaluation model, though engagement for a particular grantee may vary depending on the specific projects, funding or priority area. 我们希望在资助之初和项目的整个生命周期中,向受助者明确他们对评估的期望. 受助人参与评估的方式有:

  • 所有受资助者应在我们的可测量范围和/或通过定期报告流程报告监测数据.
  • Grantees may be asked to provide some additional data as part of their normal reporting process.
  • Grantees may be asked to engage in an evaluation study across a body of work we are funding (cluster evaluation).
  • 受资助者可能会被要求参与一项针对其资助的评估研究(通常由第三方评估机构)。.
  • 受助人可能会被要求参加其他非正式的学习活动.

受赠人可能会被要求参加这些活动的任何组合. The Foundation’s evaluation team will then work with grantees to help them understand expectations, 在整个评估过程中回答任何问题并提供支持. We focus on ensuring that our evaluation practices do not create an undue burden on grantees.

我们欢迎您对评估过程提出问题或反馈. If you have specific questions about the evaluation model or the evaluation expectations, contact Phillip Chung, Interim Sr. Director for Learning and Evaluation at 303-953-3685.

3. What type of grant support does the Foundation provide?

Typically, we consider grants for project, general operating support and capacity building, but funding criteria will detail this type of information on the specific funding page. On occasion, 如果提议的努力与我们的社区成果有明显的十大菠菜靠谱平台,我们也会考虑资本资助的请求. In each case, funding criteria guide specifically what will be funded and in general we define these areas as follows:

  • Project: 在规定的时间内进行的一系列具体活动.
  • General operating support: support for an organization's day-to-day expenses to enable it to carry out its mission.
  • Capacity building: strengthening an organization by enhancing financing, governance, planning and other business capabilities.
  • Capital: 改善组织的设施或基础设施. 

4. 一般营运奖助金与计划奖助金有何不同?

Project grants are for specific activities carried out over a defined time period; for example, a one-year project to enroll eligible children in CHP+.

General operating grants support an organization's day-to-day expenses to enable it to carry out its mission. 我们将只向那些使命与我们的使命一致并帮助我们实现一个或多个目标的组织提供一般运营赠款.

5. What is the difference between funding opportunities and rolling funding? 

  • Our funding opportunities focus on specific needs aligned with a particular priority within our priority area. These vary for each funding deadline (Feb. 15, June 15 and Oct. 15). Applicants will be required to address detailed criteria specific to that funding opportunity. Grant funding is highly competitive within the pool of applicants for each individual funding opportunity. 
  • 对于选定的优先领域,我们接受滚动申请. Applicants are asked to address the detailed criteria for those rolling funding opportunities, including Advocacy Rapid Response and Building and Bridging Connections funding.


6. 基金会将为我的提案提供多少资金?

授予一个组织的金额取决于许多因素, such as funding opportunity criteria, scope and scale of the work proposed, organization budget and capacity, 有什么其他的资金支持来支持所提出的工作, and several other considerations. 建议并非完全依赖于基金会的资助, that include other funding streams, and that include proposed work continuing beyond the grant term are preferred.  请查看每个资助机会的具体标准.

7. Does the Foundation make multiyear grants?


8. How long does it take to receive grant funding?

Depending on the complexity of the request, the review process takes approximately four months.

9. How does the Foundation decide who receives a grant?

当我们收到提案时,我们会将其分配给我们的一位项目官员. The designated program officer will work with their team as appropriate to review the proposal thoroughly.

Many factors enter into a final grant recommendation, 其中最重要的是申请人影响资助类型目标的证明能力. In making that assessment, the program officers consider, among other things, the applicant's proposed strategy, organizational capacity to achieve the results and coordination with complementary efforts of other organizations. Program officers will speak with the applicants as needed and occasionally conduct a site visit.

Grant Eligibility

1. Who is eligible for a Colorado Health Foundation grant?

We prioritize funding for:

  • Organizations based in Colorado and serving Coloradans
  • 根据501(c)(3)条款被列为免税的组织
  • 科罗拉多州公共机构,包括州和地方政府
  • 作为财政资助人的免税组织可以代表申请, or in collaboration with, an organization that does not have 501(c)(3) status.
    • 在向科罗拉多州健康基金会申请赠款之前,财政赞助者董事会必须批准该项目,认为它促进了赞助者的慈善使命. Please download the Foundation's fiscal sponsor policy and sample memorandum of understanding (MOU). 如果您对贵组织的资格有任何疑问, please contact us at 303-953-3600 and ask to speak with our grantmaking department.

2. Who is not eligible for a grant?

We do not award grants to organizations that willfully discriminate against a particular class of individuals. To be eligible for funding, organizations must abide by all applicable local, state and federal anti-discrimination laws in hiring, employment practices and when providing services.


  • Individuals
  • Programs that require membership in a certain religion or advance a particular religious faith
    • 基于信仰的组织如果欢迎并服务于社区的所有成员,不论其宗教信仰如何,就有资格获得资助, and provided that they do not require participation in activities that are specifically religious
  • For-profit organizations or programs operated by, or for the benefit of, for-profit organizations (Unless otherwise stated within a particular Funding Opportunity)
  • Debt retirement
  • Fundraising events
    • 为慈善活动寻求资金的501(c)(3)组织可以通过赞助计划申请资金. To read more about eligibility criteria and funding considerations, please visit our Sponsorships page
  • Endowments, except as part of an initiative designed to help nonprofits achieve financial sustainability

Please contact the senior director of Grantmaking Operations at 303-953-3665 or email if you have any questions regarding your organization's eligibility for funding.

3. 基金会是否提供奖助金给丹佛大都会以外的机构?

Yes. 我们为全州各地的科罗拉多人提供补助.

4. 基金会是否提供奖助金给科罗拉多州以外的机构?

一般来说,我们不资助科罗拉多州以外的组织. When we do, it is because the project will provide a significant benefit to Coloradans.

How to Apply

1. How can my organization apply for a grant from the Colorado Health Foundation?

First, review our priority areas and open funding:

Read more about what to do before you apply

All grant applications are submitted electronically through the specific funding page on our website. 在线提交的完整说明可以在这里找到.

如果您希望在申请前查看应用程序,请参阅示例 standard application and advocacy rapid response application.

2. How do I apply online?

To apply online, read about the process for applying first and follow the instructions. Tip: We recommend that applicants type answers to the proposal questions into a word processing document, then copy and paste the entries into the appropriate section of the online application. This helps speed the process.

3. 如果我不能递交网上申请,我该怎么办?

If you are unable to complete an online application, please contact our senior director of Grantmaking Operations for instructions about an alternative submission.

Senior Director of Grantmaking Operations
Toll-free: 877-225-0839 

4. Are there deadlines for grant applications?

Yes. We have three annual deadlines: Feb. 15, June 15 and Oct. 15. When these dates fall on a holiday or weekend, the deadline will be the next business day. 

5. How should I write my proposal if I am applying for a general operating grant?

Organizations applying for a general operating grant should write a proposal about their organization as a whole, rather than about a specific project. Include information about your organization's projects, 项目和服务的集合,以便我们能够了解贵组织如何开展工作以实现其使命.

6. What is meant by "intermediate milestones"?

In the proposal narrative, you are asked to describe the final results that you hope to achieve through your work. For multiyear grants, we realize that results may not be achieved immediately. Therefore, we ask you to provide no more than five important milestones for each year of your program or project. Milestones might include "products" or "deliverables" that will help you achieve your final results. For example, during the course of a three-year project grant, you may plan to increase the number of parents educated on child development and nutrition. Your milestones might include the following:

Year 1 

  • 为该计划制定并最终确定循证课程
  • Develop a survey instrument to assess parent comprehension levels before and after the course

Year 2 

  • 实施课程并总结参与者反馈
  • Refine curriculum and survey instrument to reflect lessons learned from the first year

Year 3 (end of the grant) 

  • The number of individuals reached by the effort
  • The total number of parents sufficiently educated on child development and nutrition
  • If there are plans to continue the program, you can report on the predicted results of sustained efforts and the potential scope of dissemination


7. Do you request information in the application on how we will track results or measure impact?

我们要求您描述您希望通过您的计划或项目服务或接触到多少人(数字). 我们还要求你描述你如何知道你的计划或项目已经导致了你打算实现的总体结果. Additionally, 我们请您描述您的规划或项目如何为您的目标人群带来更大的卫生公平.

8. 你在申请中需要什么类型的财务信息?

We ask that you describe how you will use the requested funding by providing a brief budget narrative. If you are applying for more than one year of funding, 我们要求贵方包括每年所要求的总金额. 我们还要求您与我们分享该计划或项目的其他主要资金来源-财政或非财政.

9. What should I do if my organization does not have audited financial statements?

We request that you provide your most recent fiscal year's unaudited statements, 包括损益表和资产负债表.

10. If I am using a fiscal sponsor, what additional materials do I need to provide?

Online Applications

1. How do I begin the online application process?

You will begin your online application on a specific funding page on the website. Funding opportunities focus on specific needs aligned with a particular priority within our priority areas. These vary for each funding deadline (Feb. 15, June 15 and Oct. 15). Applicants will be required to address detailed criteria specific to that funding opportunity. Grant funding is highly competitive within the pool of applicants for each individual funding opportunity. Our rolling funding has no associated deadline. We accept applications on a rolling basis. Applicants will be required to address detailed criteria specific to the funding.

在申请之前,你必须符合申请人的标准,这一点很重要. 申请人门户网站的链接可在每个资助页面中找到.

2. What application type should I select?

The application type you will need to complete is based on the type of funding you are applying for:

Standard Application

Advocacy Rapid Response Application

Sabbatical Program Application

3. If I am in the middle of writing my application, can I save it and continue working on it later?

Yes. In the bottom-right corner, 如果您想保存您的申请并继续工作,请单击“保存”;如果您想保存您的工作以便下次返回或提交,请单击“保存并关闭”. Once you’ve clicked either saving option, 您将在应用程序门户左侧工具栏的“In Progress”部分下看到您的应用程序. 您可以通过“In Progress”下的工具栏访问应用程序,或者单击应用程序右上角的“Edit”按钮,继续在应用程序上工作.

Note that the grant portal does not auto save. We encourage you to frequently click on "Save" when drafting your application so as not to lose any work. 您必须在提交申请之前保存申请.

4. I saved my application in a previous session. How do I get back to it?

登录到门户后,在屏幕的左侧选择 “Requests” and “In Progress”. Then select “Edit” in the top right corner of your screen next to the print icon to continue editing the proposal.

5. 我点击了“保存”,现在我无法回到我的应用程序. What should I do?

登录到门户后,在屏幕的左侧选择 “Requests” and “In Progress”. Then select “Edit” in the top right corner of your screen next to the print icon to continue editing the proposal.

6. 如果我使用在线系统,如何提交附件?

申请人应将所需文件上传至网上申请系统. To upload attachments, you select the blue (+) button to the right of the specific document you’re wanting to upload, add the file, and click “Upload.” Repeat this step for each required document. If you would like to add an additional, optional document, please locate and select the (+) button on the “Application Documents” section to add.

7. How can I tell if my application has gone through?

When you click “Submit,” you will receive an email confirmation that we received your application. This is why it is very important to enter your email address accurately on your application. If you do not receive an email confirmation, 请致电303-953-3600与我们的资助运营团队十大菠菜靠谱平台.

You will also find the application under “Submitted” within your grantee portal.

8. What happens if my system crashes while I'm submitting my application online?

Although the online grant application system has been designed to minimize loss of information, we recommend saving frequently. 您可以通过登录助学金门户网站或在登录申请门户网站后点击“正在进行中”按钮轻松恢复申请.

As an additional way to avoid loss of your data, we recommend typing your answers to the proposal questions into a word-processing document first. You can then copy and paste your answers into the appropriate sections of the online application form.

At any time during the online application process, you can use the "Printer Friendly Version" button to print out your proposal.

9. 我提交了申请,但是有个错误. Can I submit another one?

If you discover a mistake in your application or have any technical difficulties, 请致电303-953-3600与我们的资助运营团队十大菠菜靠谱平台.

10. I've submitted my application. What should I expect now?

Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming receipt. As needed, 基金会工作人员可能会与您十大菠菜靠谱平台,讨论您的提案并跟进任何其他问题. Sometimes, 我们的项目工作人员将安排一个实地考察,以便他们可以亲自与您见面,并进一步讨论拟议的活动. 请注意,决策过程可能需要长达四个月. 一旦做出决定,我们会及时通知你.

At any point during the process, please do not hesitate to contact our grantmaking staff with questions or concerns.

11. 网上拨款申请程序的系统要求是什么?

While there are no special system requirements for completing an online grant application, 您必须使用Google Chrome浏览器以确保门户的功能. Similarly, high-speed Internet access will make the process much faster, though it is not required.

12. 当我在网上申请时,我所在机构的信息是否保密?

The Foundation takes your privacy seriously. We do not rent, 与他人或与非附属公司或组织出售或分享有关您或您的资助申请的个人信息.

Demographic Data 

1. Why is the Foundation collecting demographic data?

随着十大菠菜靠谱老平台继续以公平为中心我们所做的一切, we recognize a need to be clear and transparent with applicants and grantees about what we expect of them, and what they can expect from us, 当涉及到深化基金会的公平取向和实践时,我们的业务和计划工作.

我们正在努力推进科罗拉多州的健康和健康公平, 我们致力于进行艰苦和必要的工作,有意地在我们自己的组织正义的基础上规划我们前进的道路, equity, diversity and inclusion learning journey and practice. As such, we seek to engage with organizations who are at different points in their own learning journeys, including those who are miles ahead of us and those who are just starting this critically important work.

As part of this commitment to learning and evolving, 基金会努力了解我们和那些与我们一起工作的人如何在我们自己的机构和我们所服务的社区内推进公平. Moving forward, 我们要求赠款申请组织提供有关其自身(其员工和董事会)及其所服务社区的关键人口统计数据.

Demographic data requested includes identification related to race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability. 还可以选择共享不属于上述类别的其他人口统计数据. The information collected will serve as one data point, among many, in our effort to understand how those with whom we engage are approaching the work of advancing equity. 申请人可以选择在“不跟踪”或“不喜欢说”选项中输入数据,也可以就这些问题提供总体反馈.

2. Is this a required part of the grant application?

Yes. We require demographic data information to be completed as a part of the application. 我们理解您的组织可能无法跟踪所有这些信息, 或者可能由于各种原因无法进行报道. If that is the case, please only enter data in “do not track” or “prefer not to say” options. You’ll also be given an opportunity to provide additional context or explanations if necessary.

3. What if my organization doesn’t or cannot track the demographic information requested?


4. My organization is fiscally-sponsored. Whose board, executive leadership, and staff should I provide information for?

请提供申请机构的相关信息, which in this case is the fiscally-sponsored project.

5. I have more questions about this data collection, is there someone I can contact?

如果您对此数据收集有疑问或考虑, please reach out to Ryan Severts at [email protected] or (303) 953-3600.

Application Review Process

1. May I apply for more than one grant at the same time, 在相同的优先领域或解决不同的健康问题?

It depends. Each application is reviewed on its own merits. If you are submitting a new proposal, 欢迎您在符合要求的范围内提交申请, open funding. For renewals of a current grant, we ask that you wait until four months before the grant period ends before submitting an application for renewal. 当你申请一个新的资助,或重新申请,我们鼓励你 确保所有十大菠菜靠谱老平台当前奖助金的报告都是最新的. Please access the grants portal and refer to the grant reporting and maintenance 或您的项目官员在报告完成方面的进一步支持.

2. I recently applied for a grant and was turned down. How can I find out why my request was declined so I can be more successful the next time?

不幸的是,我们必须拒绝许多超出我们能力范围的提案. If you have questions about the reasons for declination, please call our main number, 303-953-3600, and you will be put in touch with the appropriate program officer who can address your questions.

Communicating About Your Grant

1. Do you have any guidance on how to communicate with my network about the grant award?

Once a grant agreement is finalized, you may consider letting your audience know about it. Visit our “Communicating About Your Grant” webpage for information on how to reference The Colorado Health Foundation in your communications. This includes information on name usage, logo usage, organization description, press releases, quotes and social media. For additional questions, reach us via email or by phone at 303-953-3600.

Grant Reports

1. 我的资助报告要求是什么?我如何提交报告?

资助报告要求在所有资助协议中都有概述. Please refer to your grant agreement for details. Approximately 35 days prior to your report being due, an email reminder will be sent from the Foundation providing a link to the grantee portal and instructions. 门户网站要求您在完成报告或上传拨款交付物之前使用您的用户名和密码登录. Once in the portal, you will find your report located in the “Upcoming Reports” section. You can learn more about reporting requirements here.

For questions please contact:

Senior Director of Grantmaking Operations
Toll-free: 877-225-0839 

About the Colorado Health Foundation

1. What is the history of The Colorado Health Foundation?

We began in 1995 as HealthONE Alliance, a nonprofit established when the HealthONE hospital system entered into a joint venture with HCA-HealthONE. Over the years, our structure, mission and name has changed to best serve Colorado’s health needs. 虽然我们最初的重点是医学研究和急症护理, our vision is that across Colorado, 我们每个人都可以说:“我们拥有健康生活所需的一切。." Learn more about our history.

2. How can I contact a program officer?

At any time in the process of thinking about, developing or submitting a grant application, we encourage you to contact us with any question, big or small. Please use the Program Officer Finder or call our main number, 303-953-3600 or 877-225-0839 (toll free), 你会被安排去找最合适的项目官员.

Our mailing address is: 
The Colorado Health Foundation 
1780 Pennsylvania St
Denver, CO 80203

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